WordPress Themes

Pick a ThemeHow your website looks! A theme is a “collection of files” that create a unifiying look for your website without modifying the underlying software. That means the look can be changed easily by changing themes, without the content of your website being changed.

CT4U likes to personalize the Origami theme.

CT4U likes to personalize the Origami theme.

Many themes are free from WordPress.org and I suggest you start there. This quote is verbatim from their website: “The WordPress Theme Directory is the official site for WordPress Themes which have been checked and inspected, and are free for downloading. The site features the ability to search by type and style, and offers a demonstration of the page view elements of the Theme.” I am fairly adamant about the checked and inspected being very important.

There are 2,619 on WordPress.org and you can purchase an upgrade – premium theme for the free ones – that gives you more capabilities. But to get started I highly recommend either Twenty-Twelve or Origami.


Themes are installed from your Dashboard – under Appearance. You do not have to download them to your home computer, ftp them anywhere! Read further for more advice on themes and tips on backgrounds—–>! Continue reading