WordPress Settings

SettingsThere are a few basic WordPress settings that I like to change as I get started working on a new website. So login to your dashboard (yourwebsitename.wp-login.php). Settings is on the left near the bottom.
1. First link is General
a) You will notice WordPress Address and Site Address don’t have the www.
If you want to use that add it in. With the www. Or without is fine.
b) If you want a different email address for notifications you can change that.
c) Timezone – I finally realized that using a city with same time, that changed with daylight savings works the best, rather than the old UTC-8 that I used at first.
d) Be sure to Save Changes at bottom.
2. Writing and Reading links are fine for now.
3. Next is Discussion – uncheck the “Allow people to post comments on new articles” gives you the article by article control on comments.
4. I haven’t gotten into Avatars yet but they are on this page… Save changes
5. Media is fine as is.
6. Permalink Settings – very important to change from the default to Post Name, rather than identifying your pages and posts by a name this make the url the page/post name. Save Changes.

Okay now you have the basic settings on your new website set. The next blog will be on Appearance – What’s a Theme?