New Infographics


Getting Domain Name and Finding Web Host

Loading WordPress


WP Dashboard





Pick a Theme





Pages and Posts

Adding Images




Plugins and Widgest




Check out the new homepage for this website and see the infographics I just got done creating in full color. They each link to the post describing in greater detail the how tos of creating a WordPress website EZily!

I used and my really old Photoshop Elements. Hope you enjoy these "infographics" and find them useful in making your WordPress website.

(This burst of creativity could be because I'm on keeping busy waiting for Robin and Darcy's Baby decide it is time to come out and play).



Plugins and Widgets


Plugins – are small applications that run within WordPress to make things happen on your website. now offers 32,318.

  • They can be loaded right from your dashboard.
  • They are searchable right from your dashboard (by function ie contact form)
  • Rated by stars, and you can click “Details” to read more about them including the number of people that have uploaded them.
  • Plugins is its own category on the main dashboard.
  • Behind the scenes plugins help with
  • ------search engine optimization
  • ------backups
  • ------things to make it all work better
  • On website plugins create
  • ------slideshows of images
  • ------contact forms for visitors
  • ------things to make site better for visitor



Widgets are plugins that do something the public can see or interact with; image, embedded video, comments. Widgets also are made of built-in application code. WordPress has a number of them already loaded with each theme. To see these widgets go to Appearance on the dashboard and then go to Widgets. Usually these widgets are preloaded into the "footer" or "sidebar" area of your WordPress. In order to get rid of them go to Appearance, Widgets and drag them out of the area where they are over left. I think widgets were created so that WP developers could give new WP users basic capabilities that all bloggers wanted (back in the day) like a post listing in footer, or embed a video.

Often a plugin will create a widget to use in a post or page. Example Metaslider the plugin (downloadable)  creates a metaslider widget that can be added to a page. 


Page Builder by SiteOrigin

Page Builder by SiteOrigin

Page Builder by SiteOrigin easily gives you the ability to become more creative by laying out your pages and posts into columns. Then using different widgets in those columns to expand the look of your posts.

Black Studio TinyMCE Widget

Black Studio TinyMCE Widget

Black Studio TinyMCE Widget - This little visual editor widget works along with Page Builder to allow things like CENTERING images! Look for it in Widgets as "Visual Editor" and open it in a column of Page Builder to enable you to bold, italicize, create lists, center - not only text but images.

Meta Slider

Meta Slider

Meta Slider allows you to create any number of slideshows of images. Each slideshow can be custom sized for location in the blog or on a page.

WordPress SEO by Yoast

WordPress SEO by Yoast

WordPress SEO by Yoast Search engine optimization made easy. Sitemaps created automatically. Assist you with fill in keyword checks at the bottom of every post and page. Highly regarded!

Google Analytics for WordPress

Google Analytics for WordPress

Google Analytics for WordPress - Another Yoast plugin that is important to have. Setting up a Google Analytics account (free) shortly after you begin helps you track your website's progress.

Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 - Still the best most used Contact Form on WordPress. Create an easy way for your visitors to get in touch with you.

UpdraftPlus Backup and Restoration for WordPress

UpdraftPlus Backup and Restoration for WordPress

UpdraftPlus Backup and Restoration for WordPress - Another highly regarded plugin for the backend of your website. Easily backups up your database and website to a location of your choice. I chose my Dropbox account.

Google Doc Embedder

Google Doc Embedder

Google Doc Embedder - You can give visitors access to pdfs, powerpoints, etc. without their having to have programs. Optional downloading also.


Don't worry about getting every plugin and widget you are ever going to use the first time you sit down to work on your WordPress website! You will realize you want one when you want to do something on a new page that you've never done before. Check first on the plugins page to find the perfect tool for the fun new task you want to do. Or maybe you will go to a WordPress meetup and someone will recommend this great new plugin that brings you infinite traffic to your website. If you don't like it you can always deactivate and delete. I suggest that you look for ones that have high ratings and have been downloaded often. That way they likely work. Also I always watch for ones that are compatible with the most recent WordPress (which is 3.9.1). 

WordPress and Content


ContentWhen I started making WordPress websites less than two years ago I wanted someplace I could go to find out How to make a WP website. I wanted EZ steps. Lots of hours watching YouTube videos and trying things out and I have those steps to share. That is why I’m writing this blog for you.

Talk about pressure though – for the first full blog on this new “Making WordPress Websites EZ” – I set myself the task to write about CONTENT. Before you even find out if the domain name for your website is available, I want you to start thinking about your content. What will you tell people on your website? And more importantly what valuable information will you give them?

You want to be successful in your business. You want to attract viewers to your website. In order to do that you need to have good useful information: credible, accurate and valuable. You want to make sure that people can find you by having the words they will use to search for you written in the text of your website. You want to occasionally update your content so that they will come back. Or start with content that is so useful they will come back again and again. Just remember these points:

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